What is Complete Breakfast? Backed by Science (2024)

Complete Breakfast

Complete Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – We all know that You are sometimes advised to take cereals or maybe eggs. Basically, When your Breakfast fulfills with Maximum Carbs & Protein, Called Complete Breakfast.


Complete Breakfast is all about a short Powerful meal of improving our body’s stamina and power in the morning.

But, What is the science behind it?

Basically, There are 2 types of food that will do the best for you in the morning from their nutrition perspective.

  • Carb
  • Protein

So, Let’s start…

Why Is It Important To Have Crabs In Your Breakfast?

Carbohydrates are found in stores in two forms: Starches and Sugar.

We take them as grains, fruits, and vegetables.


The mechanical and chemical digestion of carbs begins in the mouth. Chewing which is a mechanical process grinds the Carbohydrate into smaller pieces.


The saliva of our mouth contains an enzyme called salivary amylase. This salivary amylase breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which enhances the sweetness sensation in our mouth.

Only 5% of starches are broken in our mouth.

Only 5% of starches are broken in our mouth

How CARB Works In Your Body

Carbohydrates do not participate in a chemical breakdown in the stomach but once it reaches the duodenum which is the upper part of our small intestine, it breaks into glucose, sucrose, lactose, and maltose.

sucrose, lactose, and maltose.

All these are simpler forms of Carbs and easily absorbed in our small intestine.

Types of sugars

Once these are absorbed, they are processed by the liver and stored as
glycogen in the liver and skeletal muscles for future use and the residue
amount of glucose is absorbed in our bloodstream and travels throughout the body.

blood cell

When we need a quick boost of energy or in absence of food, glycogen releases glucose to maintain the energy supply of our body. Another form of glycogen is triglyceride which is stored in adipose tissues which we call body fat for long term storage.

Our brain consumes 60% of our glucose alone.

brain consumes glucose

Types Of Carbs

Carbs are divided into two categories based on their structure and breakdown rate:

  1. Simple
  2. Complex

What is Simple Carb?

Simple carbs are simple in structure and easily broken by the enzymes. They give a quick boost of energy, like the fuel of your car. For example fruits (natural simple sugar), Chocolate Bars, Energy Drinks, Soft Drinks, etc.

Simple carbs are fructose, dextrose, and maltose.

The more they are in your diet, your sugar intake will be more. They need to be used up as quickly as possible. Otherwise, they will be stored in your body as fat.

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So, while you shop watches out for the term “OSE” in the nutrition level which is in the backside of the packet.

What is Complex Carb?

Complex carbs take a longer time to break down and will provide a continuous supply of energy to your brain. To continue this energy supply and to prevent yourself from getting hungry in mid-morning, whole grains like millet, oatmeal, whole wheat bread with a topping of fruits (better to consume whole with skin) can opt for consumption.

By the way, Some examples of Complex Carbs are peas, beans, whole grains, and vegetables.

Moreover, the fiber in fruits, barley (17.3 % in 2.8 grams of barley), oatmeal (10.6%fiber in 1.7 gms of oatmeal) will reach your intestine.


And, feed your gut bacteria which in turn, makes you stronger.

Be Aware Before Eating Carbs

Refined sugar is what we use in our daily life. It is half glucose and half fructose. When you take too much sugar on a regular basis, your body releases some inflammatory chemicals which affect your liver.

Liver cells single-handedly process the fructose but too much sugar could damage the arteries and heart too. Moreover, sugar triggers the reward center of your brain.

Remember!! Good marks in the exam meant chocolates from your parents and it makes us 🙂 happy.

Research has also shown that sugar can lead to addiction and the intensity of craving is similar to the addictive drugs.

So not only in breakfast, refined sugar which is used as one of the primaries ingredients in sauces, commercial honey, dried fruits (to retain their sweetness for a longer time), fruit juice (no fiber and loads of simple sugar) may be avoided.

How Protein Complete Breakfast

Now it’s time to know why should add Protein in your Breakfast. Protein regulates appetite throughout the day.

protein food

Proteins are broken in the little intestine into peptides like PPY or Peptide. PYY is a protein that helps to reduce and limit our food intake. PYY 3-36 which lacks two amino acids compared to PYY 1-36 are found to modulate neural activity within the reward processing unit of our brain by inhibiting the release of dopamine (C6H11NO2).

Which is a chemical messenger and plays a key role in how we feel pleasure.

Eggs are excellent sources of proteins especially egg whites. It contains B1 to B12, all the B vitamins, and also Vitamin-D.

Milk is another good option. It is indeed a very good hydrator, even better than water and milk (hope you are not lactose intolerant) will keep you hydrated throughout the day.

Fruits give you antioxidants, fibers, and polyphenols which can improve digestive health. For getting more antioxidants, Noni Fruit or its juice is best.

Yogurt is a good source of dairy protein, Calcium (10 Best Cheapest Source of Calcium), magnesium, Vitamine B12, and fatty acids.

They may be topped with Nuts like almonds, walnuts (good source of calcium too), hazelnuts, cashew, etc, and Seeds like chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

Seeds are an amazing source of Protein and Fiber.

Be Aware Before Eating More Protein

Proteins are building blocks of our muscles. It also makes things like DNA.
Proteins are extremely important for the structure building and proper functioning of hormones, enzymes, etc. But they should consume in moderation.

How much the protein you take per day depends on your age, sex, physical activities, pregnancy, etc.

Sports dietician Dr. Mc Leod recommends a 1 gram of protein per kg of your body weight per day for both men and women. For men,
who are doing endurance training needs 1.2-1.6 gms/kg of your body weight.

Female athletes should consume 15% lesser protein than men. If the protein intake goes up to 5-6 grams per kg of your body weight then it could affect kidney function as well. Please, Avoid Food that contains Satuatate Fat.

For example, chicken breast is good as it contains lean protein. But, chicken legs contain saturated fat which combined with protein and is no good for you at all.

Complete Breakfast Ideas

Now, come to your Confusion, What food we can intake in Breakfast?

Carbohydrates and proteins make the breakfast complete.

You may take Oatmeal with fruits. French toast made with whole wheat bread and egg whites with one fresh fruit (with skin preferred).
Whole wheat pancakes with berries.

Boiled egg, spinach, tomato salad with little virgin olive oil as olive oil is a very good source of omega 3 fatty acids. By then way, you can use Nourish Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplement.

However, you can visit Amazon for different Omega 3 fatty Acid Supplements.

Yogurt (preferably unflavoured) with fruit toppings.
Your morning meal does not really mean loading yourself with sugar and fats (except natural fat sources like nuts). Keep some basic breakfast rules in mind backed by science and you will be healthy all day long.


I hope you enjoyed this guide to make Complete Breakfast. In this guide, I wanted to go beyond a simple definition of Complete Breakfast.

And actually gave you a few points that make a Perfect Healthy Breakfast.

As you can see, there’s a lot to learn about nutrition in meals. But considering how much you get benefits from breakfast, next, you have to prepare your Lunch and Dinner.

Now, I want to know from you:

  • What is your Daily Breakfast?
  • Do you understand the science behind Complete Breakfast?

Let me know by leaving your Comment.

6 thoughts on “What is Complete Breakfast? Backed by Science (2024)”

  1. In breakfast, I take little bit of milk with cornflakes, a banana, dry fruits like couple of almonds, casew, a few kismis and a dry date. I am going not weak on 78. Now, after reading you, i want to know, if i could add one egg in my BF. Thank you.

  2. Finally, I found the article which explain main science of the Breakfast. But, if you give us, the actual complete dishes of Breakfast, I will completely free about what I will eat …

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